Treatments for Deep Acne Scars

Treatments for Deep Acne Scars: Subcision Method & Scar Prevention

Acne can leave behind deep scars, and most people don't realize how easy it is to get rid of them. In this blog post, we'll talk about acne scar treatments available for anyone looking to improve their skin's appearance. We'll also cover acne scar prevention tips, so you know what will happen if you stop using these treatments. Don't let your scars define you!

There are so many ways to treat acne scars, and most of them come with a price tag. If you're looking and have been seeking an effective but affordable treatment that will leave your skin looking fresh and new again, the subcision method is worth considering. As well as being relatively inexpensive, it's also quick - only lasting from 10-15 minutes per session - so it won't take up all your time as other treatments might.

If you want to get additional reading about subcision, continue reading this article for more information. We've also included its benefits so you’ll know why this treatment is quite popular.

Treatments for Deep Acne Scars: Subcision Method & Scar Prevention
Treatments for Deep Acne Scars

What are Deep Acne Scars?

The deep acne scars that are mentioned in the article's title refer to those types of scars caused by deeper, more aggressive acne. Deep acne scars are typically redder in colour and deeper than the scars caused by mild acne. 

People who are prone to deep acne scars include those with oily skin, those who are allergic to the bacteria that causes acne, people whose genetics predisposes them and individuals who have suffered from other physical trauma.

What Causes Deep Acne Scars?

Deep acne scars can be caused by a few different factors - either genetic or environmental. It's important to understand what might cause you to develop deep scarring in order for you to combat it more effectively!

A common factor is hormones. Hormones like testosterone can increase sebum production, which leads to clogged pores and redness in your complexion. This usually occurs during puberty but may also happen if someone has hormonal changes due to an illness like Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.

Another cause of deep acne scars is environmental. All the toxins and bacteria in our air, water and food can contribute to clogged pores which leads to breakouts that lead to acne scarring - as we mentioned above, with hormonal changes, it would usually be caused by. This includes smoking as well!

With that said, there are many different causes for these types of acne scars, so it's essential to find out what might be affecting your skin before investing too much time or money into treatments that don't work for your specific situation.

What is the Subcision Method?

Subcision for acne scars is a powerful treatment that has been shown to reduce the appearance of scars for a lot of people. Basically, it involves making very small cuts in your skin and then removing some layers. This causes collagen production, which helps fill out deeply scarred areas and smoothes them over.

The subcision method is one way you can treat acne scars without having to go through surgery - which may require expensive downtime. The process requires only two incisions on the surface layer of the skin where there are no pores or muscles below (you'll know when you find these spots). These are made with a needle just under half an inch apart from each other, so they form a triangle shape on top of the scar tissue, allowing for the needle to be pushed through. The dermis is then lifted and cut from where it's adhered down, either with a scalpel or by using a small suction device that lifts up your skin (like what would happen during an injection).

The Benefits of Subcision

There are many benefits to using subcision for your acne scars, including that it's relatively inexpensive compared with other lasers or procedures. One benefit is that it can treat a wider area at once - meaning faster results! 

You have more options when undergoing this treatment as well- you can choose between getting injections beforehand, going into surgery, having an injection after (to help stimulate collagen production), or doing nothing beforehand whatsoever.

What are the other Treatment Options?

If subcision is not a treatment option for you, there are many other ways to treat or repair acne scars. You can go with IPL for acne scars, it's also known as intense pulsed light and best treatment for you if you want to lessen the visibility of scars and pigmentation on your skin. This procedure uses narrow beams of light that are directed at the scar tissue to break it down and create smoother skin. IPL is not only effective for improving the appearance of scars but can also be used to treat other areas of skin that are affected by acne. It has been proven to be an effective method for improving the texture and tone of skin, helping to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and age spots.

Laser treatments can also help reduce acne scarring by heating up and closing pores as well as destroying bacteria in your complexion - but these may be expensive long-term solutions because they require regular sessions every couple of months or more!

One final method we want to mention involves injections near acne scars with hyaluronic acid fillers like Restylane into the scar tissues, causing collagen production and smoothing out rough.

How can I Prevent Future Scarring?

No matter how long ago someone has had acne, there are still ways to prevent future breakouts from happening that lead to new scaring. It's important not just for people who want clear skin but also for those with deeper scarring - since these tips help reduce its appearance.

  • Use gentle, non-comedogenic cleansers that won't clog your pores or cause further breakouts

  • Avoid picking and squeezing acne as this will only make the problem worse (and lead to more scarring).

  • Be conscious of what you eat as well! Foods like dairy products can contribute to breakouts which often lead to new acne scars. Sugary foods should also be avoided because they're known for increasing bacteria on our skin's surface layer, which leads to inflammation and pimples that may leave behind deep marks.

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