13 Podcasts Every Small Business Owner Should Listen To

13 Podcasts Every Small Business Owner Should Listen To

The podcast is a series of spoken; audio episodes often focused on specific topics or themes, such as cycling or startups. You can subscribe to the show with an app on your phone and listen to episodes whenever you want on your headphones, in the car, or through the speakers.

What is an example of a popular podcast?

BBC Radio 4 has a podcast called 'More or Less: Behind the Status,' a radio show about attractive economics and information. Each podcast episode is a recording of a 'more or less' radio episode, and they are all arranged in a series, more or less called a podcast.

So, if you are a fan of radio shows, you can subscribe to more or fewer podcasts, and episodes will be provided to you every week. This means you can listen to them at any time without getting stuck on the radio at the same time every week.

It's later than radio

This is a podcast, no great answer! The shows, now they just happen to be completely original content, not just re-releasing the radio.

Many original stereo radios escape the shackles of the formats to explore the unique viewpoint and the entire niche radically. No matter what you're doing, you'll find a show that suits you!

Podcasts let you optimize your time with multitasking - great news if you are self-employed! You can download episodes and listen to the latest technology, business strategies, marketing tips, and more, all at your own convenience. Educate yourself on demand - Pick up a dog, throw a jar, fill some pots, or style home while you work.

There are literally thousands of free podcasts you can subscribe to, and there are tons of great apps available for listening, including iTunes, Google Play, and the iPhone Podcast App.

Follow our Top 13 Small Business Podcasts for Small Business Owners of All Kinds, including Trades, Makers, Foodies, Musicians, and Entrepreneurs.

13 Podcasts Every Small Business Owner Should Listen To
13 Podcasts Every Small Business Owner Should Listen To

1. To Build Your Personal Brand: Your Actor with Chris Docker

Chris Dakar is probably the leading figure in personal branding in the digital age - and why it is essential to growing business today. From outsourcing and finance to digital marketing and sales, his podcast jumps to a wide range of topics. Chris brings a brilliant array of guests to talk about in his podcast, and with practical action and a smile on your face, they'll make you feel inspired.

This episode, a recording of John's speech at your UPNew summit highlights how to design a marketing funnel journey - and all these important little details that make it happen but are often overlooked.

2. For Turbo-Charging Your Marketing: Duct Tape Marketing

In Duct Tape Marketing, John Gents, the founder of the agency of the same name, interviewed industry-leading marketers and entrepreneurs and got them to spread their privacy. Each episode focuses on marketing that small-market owners struggle with, so the podcast goes toward small or home-based entrepreneurs who need to expand their marketing dollars. There is a lot of knowledge here, with more than 10 years of back catalogs.

We propose: Restart your business and your life with Mitch Joel

Mitch Joel, CEO of Twist Image, explains how businesses interact with their customers are about to change quickly - again. In response, marketing and advertising should enhance their game and be reasonably useful.

3. For more leadership mojo: Hack to get started

Co-hosts Franco Variano and Tyler Copeland believe that the Hack to Start bills call themselves "attractive people and a podcast focused on innovative ways to achieve success": successes are not always linear: Instead, many leaders today follow. A hack - start - repeat journey. Get ready to be inspired and encouraged by the fancy techniques and original ideas you will hear.

We recommend: Episode 173, Jason Stough, Principal Digital Product Designer, Starbucks

A motivational episode that covers how John Starbucks is on his way to a job and includes all the details you need to know about moving forward in digital design at this coffee house giant.

4. For Creating Super-Profit Websites: Authority Hacker

Gail Breton and Mark Webster have created a lucrative portfolio of high-authority websites and authority hackers share everything they've learned there. Comfortably straightforward and with zero sales fluff, these guys share super-actionable growth hacking techniques and practical advice from their real-life failures and successes - served with a fun side dishes.

We recommend: Episode 122, Creating new content vs. Adapting to old content: What should you do now?

Have you published a fabulous blog post with high hopes, but it has not worked out as you expected? Watch this episode for some great tips on when to re-adapt old content, when to create new content, and how to handle it.

5. For crushing your competition: War on business

Business wars have only recently started but have already become one of the most popular business podcasts on iTunes. Blockbuster and Netflix, Xbox and PlayStation, Coke, and Pepsi. Sometimes it sounds like a Business Wars History podcast, but to others, it's a true-crime drama, sometimes even a war documentary, and it's an exciting insight into the way the business world works.

We recommend Southwest vs. American - Dallas over Dallas.

How can we not choose this episode, because it is based on our doorstep! Learn what strategic action these two airlines took to try to become the ruler of the Dallas sky.

6. Focus Your Entrepreneurial Power: Entrepreneurs are on fire

John Strong, John Lee Dumas's Entrepreneur on Fire, is a short daily podcast that has become one of the most popular business podcasts in the world. You will meet small business owners, from startups to founders to startups in a wide range of industries, all sharing their personal stories to help inspire you. Nothing else will revive your entrepreneurial spirit.

We recommend: How to control the financial returns of your business with Sterling Snow

Do you know how much money you made in the last quarter? Or who is your most profitable customer? Small business owners are so busy growing that they are often not at the top of their finances. This episode explores ways to take control and how software can help.

7. To solve problems: mixer

Entrepreneur and salesman Andrew Warner made it big in the early days of Internet sales in his 20s and then set aside his career to support other young entrepreneurs. He has conducted more than a thousand interviews on the Mixergy podcast, and he is excellent at mixing detailed answers from his guests. MixerJee lets experienced business leaders share stories of their startups and solve common problems that business founders face.

We propose: Episode # 1666, the founder who is embarrassed about other founders who are solving problems

A bizarre headline that makes you wonder what the issue might be. Answer - Bookkeeping! Learn how to solve this common pain point among business owners.

8. Driving for Customer Satisfaction: Charles Travel on the outside

Outside focuses on uncovering the secrets of customer-centric brand's customers and how they interact and interact with consumers. Hosted by Charles Travel, Global CEO of Interbrand, this podcast analyzes various strategies for building a customer-first culture in the workplace through new case studies and interviews with business leaders, media figures, and educators. Learn how top brands are focused on their customers and how it is so essential for your customers to understand and how they use your product or service in their daily life.

We Offer: Episode Jaguar Land Rover: Understanding Every Customer's Viewpoint (Even Dogs)

One of the world's most elite car companies is devoted to studying consumer behavior. See how they take a deep dive into the lives of consumers to keep their product fresh.

9. For a female perspective: she's her way to it

Amanda Boleyn, the founder and vocalist behind Shedd It Your Way has turned her original podcast into a robust framework for women looking to start their own businesses. An engaging podcast that breaks down business issues into digestive problems and actionable action, and Amanda have done a tremendous job bringing female entrepreneurs who specialize in a wide range of industries and industry-specific topics.

We recommend: Episode 292, 3 Easy Steps to Outsourcing Your First Task

10. For some policy-intriguing realities: Startups

This podcast is really what it says in the box! The startup description is brief but accurate: "A Series on how it likes to start a business" "We agree. Each season, Alex Blumberg documents the experience of creating new business in real-time in some fantastic and worrying industries.

11. Software gurus - Startups for the rest of us

If you own or want to start a software business, the rest of us startups is a podcast for us. This podcast serves as a masterclass for how you can critically analyze all aspects of your business to manage it more effectively. Between them, the two hosts have more than 20 years of experience as a software entrepreneur, and happily share all the tips and tricks they've learned over the years.

12. For Productivity Nerds: The Tim Ferris Show

Tim Ferris is one of the world’s leading business writers and top advocates for intelligent work. From chess players to professional athletes to investors, the Team Ferris Show Podcast Interviews have found success in their various potential areas. His interviewees have the talent of the team to draw useful tips from their stories and experiences - even if you think you have nothing in common with them, you'll be surprised.

13. For some practical education: 100 MBA

Tired of interviewing? This podcast and online community are the brainchildren of two university educators who wanted to find a way to set their students front and center. If like many entrepreneurs, you've never been to business school, $ 100 MBA will help you get up to speed with 10-minute business lessons built on real-world applications. This podcast goes straight to the point and hits the nail on the head - and it was awarded the Best iTunes Award in 20!

We hope you find some new podcasts to inspire you or help you take your small business to the next level. Happy to hear


The most complicated aspect of answering the question - What is a Podcast? - And where a lot of people get confused, there's a difference between a simple audio file and a full-grown podcast.

The simplest explanation is that an audio file and a the podcast episode is technically the same if you download the podcast episode from a podcast site, you have already discovered the fact that you are downloading an audio file. The difference only comes when you add the option to subscribe to the sound file in that series.

So, when you use a podcast hosting website to allow people to subscribe to your series of audio recordings, you've suddenly turned them from ordinary audio files into a fully functional podcast! These are still audio files only, but in addition to the subscriptions, you can now call them podcasts.

The Subscription aspect is automatically done for you. If you use an excellent podcast hosting company, you will want to know a bit about how it works. It's powered by a technology called RSS (it's a complicated technique ...) and it's just a computer language that lets your podcasting software talk to a podcasting website.

Basically, if you enter the web address of a podcasting software (such as iTunes) on a podcasting website, it will read the RSS feed, and it will be able to download all the old episodes of the podcast and download them as new.

So, if you use iTunes or any other good podcast listening the app, it will track all your subscriptions through each podcast's RSS feed, and it will automatically download new episodes as they become available. This is a a lot easier than a simple audio file where you have to search the web and download them yourself.

The big thing to remember is that it's an audio file of its own, nothing more than an audio file.

However, if you upload that audio file to a website and allow it to be subscribed via an RSS feed, then suddenly it is a podcast. Easy!

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