Reduce Air Pollution

Best Ways to Reduce Air Pollution 

A mixture of various gases like nitrogen, oxygen, helium, hydrogen, argon, etc. is known as air. Atmospheric motion maintains the uniformity of these gases. Waste and fossil fuel burning, vehicle emissions, construction and demolition, waste, landfills, and many other factors can disrupt air uniformity. When the levels of these gases exceed the desired limits, the air becomes polluted which is known as air pollution. There are many ways that we can discuss how to reduce air pollution. Millions of people die every year due to air pollution. The air we breathe every day contains many toxic and dangerous pollutants. Everyone should be responsible for reducing air pollution. 

Best Ways to Reduce Air Pollution

1. Using public transport

Using public transportation is a surefire short way to contribute to less air pollution because it uses less gas and energy, and even carpools contribute to it. In addition to using less fuel and gas, using public transportation can also help save money.

2. Turn off lights when not in use

The energy consumed by lighting contributes to air pollution, thus using less electricity can save energy. Use energy efficient fluorescent lights to help the environment.

3. Recycle and reuse

The concept of recycle and reuse is not only about conserving resources and using them judiciously but is also helpful for air pollution as it helps in reducing pollution emissions. Recycled products also take less energy to make other products.

4. No plastic bags

The use of plastic products can be very harmful to the environment as they take a long time to decompose due to their oil content. Using paper bags instead is a good option as they are easily biodegradable and recyclable.

5. Reduction of forest fires and smoking

Collecting garbage during dry season and burning it or burning dry leaves is a major cause of air pollution, moreover smoking causes air pollution and obviously worsens the air quality while harming one's health.

6. Use fans instead of air conditioners

Using AC consumes a lot of energy and emits a lot of heat which is bad for the environment. ACs take a lot of power and energy to operate as compared to fans.

7. Use filters for chimneys

Gases emitted from fireplaces in homes and factories are extremely dangerous for air pollution and seriously impair air quality. At least filters should be used if not to reduce consumption, this will help reduce the effects of harmful gases absorbed into the air.

8. Avoid using crackers

The use of crackers during festivals and weddings is unfortunately one of the biggest contributors to air pollution, resulting in a layer of smog that is extremely harmful to health. So the practice of releasing crackers should not be implemented.

9. Avoid using chemical products

Products that use chemicals or strong odors such as paint or perfume should be used outdoors or sparingly. An alternative may be to use products with less chemical ingredients and organic properties.

10. Implementation of afforestation

Last but not least, plant and grow as many trees as possible. The practice of planting trees benefits the environment and helps release oxygen.

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