How To Contact TikTok Support

How To Contact TikTok Support?

Sometimes tracking a company's email can be difficult. Whether it's intentionally or accidentally buried on its website, finding the right point of contact can be a chore and can cause you headaches.

Fortunately, TikTok pioneered all the different ways you can communicate with it; The company provides multiple email addresses where it can be reached and a response form for most users' daily queries.

Here's how to get in touch with TikTok using email and their feedback form.

How To Contact TikTok Support?
How To Contact TikTok Support?

How to email TikTok

TikTok is a great way to keep an email company if you know exactly where you want to point your question. If you're a creator and would like to discuss business, advertising or support issues related to your content creation, contacting TikTok via email is most helpful.

For most regular users, you can still email TikTok if something goes wrong and you can't access the app or have an account problem (such as your account is suspended), but you are advised to use a different method. Additionally, if an email address doesn't seem appropriate for your question, you can contact us using TikTok's feedback form (see next section) or you can use the Report a problem in the app's settings.

Here is a list of email addresses that you can use to communicate with TikTok.

Creator Marketplace Contact Address:


United States:






General Address:

To report a problem: or

For general feedback:

For questions about advertising:

For ad complaints:

For press search:


Latin America:


Southeast Asia:

How to communicate using TikTok's feedback form

TikTok can be contacted via its response form in a web browser, which may be appropriate in most cases, and it contains a predefined number of things that you can choose to handle your problem. These range from covering general account searches to reporting objectionable content to banning appeals. You can upload up to 10 images to the form via the upload link under the attachment (optional) section to help explain a problem or question.

How to communicate with TikTok

To contact TikTok, you can either report a problem in the app, use the TikTok feedback form, or email them via or

If you encounter any issues with the app, you can report any issues directly to the app.

Common problems you may encounter in the app include account issues, noise issues and crashing issues.

If you encounter any issues related to this, you can contact TikTok by reporting a problem with the app.

Then, if you have an opinion about sharing or a banned account that you would like to recover, you can contact TikTok using their feedback form.

In the response form you will need to indicate your email address, a description and an optional attachment.

If you have a specific problem, you can take a screenshot of it and attach it.

Finally, you can email TikTok using the emails provided in the Creator Marketplace.

Report a problem with the app

Use the TikTok feedback form

1. Report a problem in the app

The first method is to report problems in the app.

First, open TikTok and log in to your account if you haven't already.

Then, you need to go to your TikTok profile.

To access your TikTok profile, tap the "I" icon in the navigation bar below.

Once you get to your TikTok profile, tap on the three dots.

How to report a problem on TikTok

After you tap on the three dots, you'll land on the Settings and Privacy page.

On the Settings and Privacy page, you'll find multiple headings, including "Accounts," "Content and Activity," and more.

Scroll down the page until you find the "Help" heading.

Under the heading "Support", you will see an option that says "Report a problem".

Tap "Report a problem" to report a problem on TikTok.

TikTok help with feedback and frequently asked questions

Once you tap on "Report a problem", you'll land in the "Feedback and Help" page.

On the "Feedback and Help" page, you'll find frequently asked questions and topics that you can choose from.

To report a problem, you need to select a topic related to your problem

For example, if you want to change your birthday in TikTok, you need to select the "Accounts & Profiles" option.

TikTok Feedback and Help "No" button

After you select a related topic, you will be landed on a screen with some information.

Under the information, you will see a "Yes" and a "No" buttons.

If your problem is not resolved, tap "No".

Do not tap "Yes" because you will not be able to report your problem to TikTok.

TikTok still has problems

Once you tap "No", you'll see the "Still Problems" option.

The "Still Problems" option allows you to explain and report your problem to TikTok.

This option appears when you tap the "No" button in the previous step.

Tap "Still have problems" to report your problem.

How to communicate with TikTok

Finally, you'll land on the "Report a problem" page.

Under the heading "Give your feedback", describe your problem in detail.

For example, if you want to change your birthday, explain that you set a wrong birthday and you want to change it to your actual birthday.

Then, tap "Report" to report your problem to TikTok.

After that, your report can be found on the Support Tickets page by tapping the "Edit" icon on the "Feedback and Help" page.

You will be able to see the status of your report there.

2. Use the TikTok feedback form

The second way to communicate with TikTok is to use the feedback form.

The feedback form lets you describe the problem you want to report.

This allows you to share feedback about your experience on TikTok.

To continue, you can search "TikTok Feedback" on Google and select the first search result.

Alternatively, you can use this link:

In the form, you will need to provide your email address.

Providing your TikTok username is optional, but you should include it.

"What do you want to tell us?" In that case, describe the problem you are experiencing in TikTok.

Finally, you can upload up to 10 attachments

Once you have completed the form, select "Submit" to submit it.

TikTok will respond to your report via email.

3. Email TikTok

The third way to communicate with TikTok is to email them.

TikTok has different email addresses that you can use.

However, these email addresses are primarily for the TikTok Creator Marketplace.

Here is a list of TikTok email addresses:

If you are trying to report a problem to TikTok, it is highly recommended to use the other two methods above.

This is because their email addresses are for business purposes only.

How do I report a problem with TikTok?

To report a problem on TikTok, go to your TikTok profile, tap the three dots and tap "Report a problem".

Then, select a related topic, tap "No", explain your problem, and tap "Report".

After you report an issue to TikTok, the status of your report can be found on the "Your Support Ticket" page.

To access it, navigate to the "Feedback and Help" page and tap the "Edit" icon.

Can I call TikTok?

No, you can't call TikTok because they don't have a phone number that you can call to report a problem.

Instead, you'll need to report a problem in the app by tapping "Report a problem" on the "Settings and privacy" page.

Also, TikTok has multiple email addresses that you can use to communicate with them.

TikTok's main email addresses are and, but you can contact them by reporting a problem in the app or using the feedback form.

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