How to Install iTunes On Chromebook

4 Easy steps to Install iTunes On Chromebook - Working Method 

If you own a Chromebook and want to stream music from Apple's iTunes service, you'll be happy to know that Google recently added support for Chromebooks running Chrome OS 69 or higher. That said, this article explains how to install iTunes on a Chromebook so you can enjoy Apple Music again.

How to Install iTunes on Chromebook

Strictly speaking, iTunes is not a Chromebook app. However, there are plenty of users who use it on their Chromebooks every day. Installing iTunes on Chromebook is easy if you follow the steps below Let's get started.

4 Easy steps to Install iTunes On Chromebook - Working Method

Step 1: Enable Linux features on the Chromebook

To install iTunes on Chromebook you must first enable the Linux feature on your Chromebook. To do this, follow the steps:

1. Go to "Settings" on your Chromebook Locate and tap on the “Linux (Beta)” option.

2. Tap the "Turn On" button right in front of the "Linux(Beta)" option.

3. Your Chromebook will start installing Linux, and a terminal window will appear in front of you

Once the Linux feature is enabled, proceed with the other steps:

Note: A black window is displayed by both 64-bit and 32-bit versions of the software on Chromebooks, so keep that in mind. Therefore, you must download this correct 32-bit version of iTunes from this page. Look for the 12.9.3 build from August 2019.

4. After opening a Linux terminal run the code below to upgrade Linux to the most recent build.

"sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y"

Step 2: Install the Wine app

Now you need to install "Wine" app to enable 32-bit app support. To do this, follow the steps:

1. Run the code listed below to install the 32-bit Wine app on your Chromebook:

"sudo apt-get install wine"

2. After doing this, launch Terminal and run the command below to switch Wine's architecture to 32-bit.

"WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=/home/username/ .wine32 winefg"

Note: Use the correct login name for your Chromebook instead of "username" in the code above In the Linux terminal, look for the part that comes before “@penguin” to identify the username.

Step 3: Install iTunes using Wine

1. A wine window will appear before you click the "OK" button

2. Run the command listed below to install iTunes 32-bit on your Chromebook

"WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=/home/username/ .wine32 itunes.exe"

3. Don't forget to change "username" with your actual username.

4. Another installation window will appear in front of you. After clicking "Next", run the installation process.

5. When the installation is complete, click "Finish" and you have successfully installed iTunes on Chromebook.

Step 4: Create Shortcut for iTunes

You need to create a shortcut for your newly installed iTunes on your Chromebook. To do this, follow the steps below:

1. Open "File Manager" and navigate to "Linux Files" and open it.

2. Select the three dots symbol in the upper right corner and tap "Show hidden files" from the drop-down menu.

3. Navigate to the right path: “.Local > Share > Applications > Wine > Program Files > iTunes”

4. Then open "iTunes.Desktop" option by right clicking on "Open with Text".

5. Search for the line starting with "Exec=" and enter the following command right after "Exec="

env WINEPREFIX= “/home/username/ .wine32” wine “/home/username/ .wine32/drive_c/Program Files/iTunes/iTunes.exe

6. Save the file by pressing Ctrl + S, then quit the program.

In these four steps, you can successfully install iTunes and create a shortcut for the app on Chromebook.
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