Keep Remote Team on Same Page

Excellent Strategies for Keeping Your Remote Team on the Same Page

Much of the workforce is now remote with flexible schedules. The transition created a necessity for virtual meetings with a Zoom background with company logo and the adoption of tech. While many in the workforce handle the remote landscape well, some struggle to stay on track and on the same page with the team when working from home.

Managers must find effective strategies and tools to help team members navigate any difficulties from remote operations. Discover five ways to improve focus and team cohesion.

1. Have Weekly Meetings

Working from home makes it easier for team members to become distracted or spend time on menial tasks. Weekly meetings help encourage the entire team to focus on specific project goals for the week.

Managers or team leaders can have meetings at the start of the week to address the task that must be completed by the end of it. They should also check in once or twice weekly to ensure everyone is managing their jobs well.

2. Track Progress

If your company uses a team platform, there may be existing measures to track individual member progress on specific goals. If your company does not have the capabilities for such intuitive tracking, you must incorporate check-ins into your schedule.

After the weekly meeting, check in with each team member individually to ensure they know what is expected. Provide details so they understand when and how to reach you. During the week, make scheduled check-ins, nothing too intrusive, just an email or quick phone call to ask how the project is going.

3. Use Technology

Technology has come so far, from virtual office backgrounds to project management software. Do not fear tech; embrace it. If your company is a little behind the times, look into software and group project tech that may help your team.

If you find software or tools you think are helpful, talk to your supervisors about incorporating the items for trial purposes in project management. Some companies welcome the opportunity for innovation, but you should always get permission. Businesses may have reasons for not using a specific tool or software.

4. Communicate Regularly

Communication is vital to remote operations. Without open and effective dialogue, team members can become lost and confused. The more confusion your team deals with, the further behind projects become.

Communication starts from the top, the team leader. If you do not demonstrate an openness to conversation and fail to provide ways for your team to access you, the unit will struggle to find cohesion.

Make yourself available. Provide phone numbers and email. Give specific times your team can reach you.

5. Make a Transparency Policy

A team must be transparent. Every member should know what they and the others are responsible for, including the team lead. Transparency leads to trust and accountability. Create a policy to foster transparency within your team.

While free Zoom office backgrounds help build team cohesion, the way to help team members stay on track is through communication. Contact a local consultant if you want help creating a better team experience and managing.

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